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 Front Loader LS - LL1100 (for tractor MT1.25)  Front Loader LS - LL1100 (for tractor MT1.25)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL1100 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS Mt1.25.     &nb..
7,336.00 лв. 9,170.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL2101 (for tractor XJ25)  Front Loader LS - LL2101 (for tractor XJ25)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL2100 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS XJ25.      ..
8,800.00 лв. 11,000.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL3106 (for tractor MT3.40)  Front Loader LS - LL3106 (for tractor MT3.40)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL3106 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS MT3.40.     &nb..
10,536.00 лв. 13,170.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL4103 (for tractor XR50, R65)  Front Loader LS - LL4103 (for tractor XR50, R65)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL4103 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS XR50, R65.     ..
11,744.00 лв. 14,680.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL4104 (for tractor MT3.50, MT3.60)  Front Loader LS - LL4104 (for tractor MT3.50, MT3.60)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL4104 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS MT3.50, MT3.60.    &..
11,600.00 лв. 14,500.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL4107 (for tractor R60)  Front Loader LS - LL4107 (for tractor R60)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL4107 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS R60.      ..
12,544.00 лв. 15,680.00 лв.
LS - R36i MT RR (40 HP) LS - R36i MT RR (40 HP)
New Hot -3 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 38 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 12x12; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  &..
31,000.00 лв. 32,000.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL5101 (for tractor U60)  Front Loader LS - LL5101 (for tractor U60)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL5101 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS U60.      ..
12,800.00 лв. 16,000.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL5106 (for tractor XU6168)  Front Loader LS - LL5106 (for tractor XU6168)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL5106 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS XU6168.     &nb..
13,080.00 лв. 16,350.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL6100 (for tractor MT5.73)  Front Loader LS - LL6100 (for tractor MT5.73)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL6100 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS MT5.73        &..
13,744.00 лв. 17,180.00 лв.
Brand: LS
Utility tractor 101 HP with cabin; Engine IVECO 4 -cylinder;  power shuttle transmission; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO...
0.00 лв.
LS - R65 MT CAB (65 HP) LS - R65 MT CAB (65 HP)
New -2 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 65 HP with cabin; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 16x16; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  ..
50,000.00 лв. 51,000.00 лв.
LS - XR50 MT CAB (50 HP) LS - XR50 MT CAB (50 HP)
New -2 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 50 HP with cabin; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 16x16; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  ..
47,000.00 лв. 48,000.00 лв.
LS - R60 MT FR (60 HP) LS - R60 MT FR (60 HP)
New -3 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 60 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 16x16; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  &..
38,000.00 лв. 39,000.00 лв.
U60 MT CAB (60 HP) U60 MT CAB (60 HP)
New -2 %
Brand: LS
Utility tractor 60 HP with cabin; Engine Mitsubishi 4 -cylinder;  synchro shuttle transmission; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independen..
53,000.00 лв. 54,000.00 лв.
LS - R36i MT RR (40 HP) LS - R36i MT RR (40 HP)
New Hot -3 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 38 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 12x12; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  &..
31,000.00 лв. 32,000.00 лв.
Brand: LS
Utility tractor 68 HP with cabin; Engine Mitsubishi 4 -cylinder;  synchro shuttle transmission; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independen..
0.00 лв.
Brand: LS
Orchard 50 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 24x24; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  &..
0.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL7101 (for tractor PLUS100)  Front Loader LS - LL7101 (for tractor PLUS100)
New -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL7101 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS PLUS100.     &n..
16,400.00 лв. 20,500.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL7100 (for tractor PLUS 70,80,90)  Front Loader LS - LL7100 (for tractor PLUS 70,80,90)
New -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL7100 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS PLUS 70,80,90.    &n..
16,400.00 лв. 20,500.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL4107 (for tractor R60)  Front Loader LS - LL4107 (for tractor R60)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL4107 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS R60.      ..
12,544.00 лв. 15,680.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL4103 (for tractor XR50, R65)  Front Loader LS - LL4103 (for tractor XR50, R65)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL4103 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS XR50, R65.     ..
11,744.00 лв. 14,680.00 лв.
 Front Loader LS - LL5101 (for tractor U60)  Front Loader LS - LL5101 (for tractor U60)
New Hot -20 %
Brand: LS
Front Loader LL5101 made in Korea by LS Tractor. High quality. Quick coupler EURO type. Compatible with tractor LS U60.      ..
12,800.00 лв. 16,000.00 лв.
LS - R36i MT RR (40 HP) LS - R36i MT RR (40 HP)
New Hot -3 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 38 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 12x12; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  &..
31,000.00 лв. 32,000.00 лв.
LS - R60 MT FR (60 HP) LS - R60 MT FR (60 HP)
New -3 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 60 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 16x16; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  &..
38,000.00 лв. 39,000.00 лв.
LS - R65 MT CAB (65 HP) LS - R65 MT CAB (65 HP)
New -2 %
Brand: LS
Orchard 65 HP with cabin; Engine Mitsubishi ;  synchro shuttle transmission 16x16; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO.  ..
50,000.00 лв. 51,000.00 лв.
Brand: LS
Subcompact tractor 25 HP with ROPS; Engine Yanmar; HST gearbox; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear and middle independent PTO.     ..
0.00 лв.
Brand: LS
Utility tractor 68 HP with cabin; Engine Mitsubishi 4 -cylinder;  synchro shuttle transmission; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independen..
0.00 лв.
Brand: LS
Subcompact tractor 25 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi; HST gearbox; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear and middle independent PTO.    &n..
0.00 лв.
U60 MT CAB (60 HP) U60 MT CAB (60 HP)
New -2 %
Brand: LS
Utility tractor 60 HP with cabin; Engine Mitsubishi 4 -cylinder;  synchro shuttle transmission; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independen..
53,000.00 лв. 54,000.00 лв.
Brand: LS
Subcompact tractor 25 HP with ROPS; Engine Mitsubishi; manual transmission; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear and middle independent PTO.  &..
0.00 лв.
PLUS100 PS CAB (100 HP) PLUS100 PS CAB (100 HP)
New -1 %
Brand: LS
Utility tractor 100 HP with cabin; Engine IVECO 4 -cylinder;  power shuttle transmission; 4WD; hydrostatic steering system; rear independent PTO...
76,000.00 лв. 77,000.00 лв.

LS Tractor

Your journey with LS Tractor is just beginning. Chose the series, the model and the implements you need.  Now you can do more and do it for less with LS Tractor.

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За LS тракторите у нас

Престижната корейска марка трактори LS е на българския пазар от 2012 г.

Ексклузивно представлявана от фирма Сатнет – Карлово

Фирмата е част от световният гигант LG , като тракторите LS се продават на различни пазари с имената LS, New Holland, Claas, McCormik.

САТНЕТ ЕООД“ е също така най-големият вносител в Европа на компактни трактори от Япония. Техника, която е изключително добре подбрана за овощари, лозари, зеленчуко-производители и предимно малки и средни стопанства. Фирмата е основана през 1999-та година и през дълго-годишната си история се е наложила като надежден и достоен партньор на родните земеделци.

Ние притежаваме най-големият склад в страната, предлагащ резервни части и прикачен инвентар за компактни малогабаритни трактори. Марките трактори, за които предлагаме резервни части са KubotaIsekiLS, Янмар, ShibauraHinomotoMitsubishi и Honda. Резервните части, консумативи и инвентар са вност от реномирани производители, славещи се с изключително качество.

Централното разположение за територията на България на управлението и складовете ни в гр. Карлово предразполагат за бързи доставки на възможно най-ниски цени до всяка една точка на страната.

Сатнет е ексклузивен представител на тракторите LS за България, Румъния, Гърция, Молдова, Сърбия, Косово, Северна Македония и Кипър.

Бранда се доказа на Българският пазар и от 2019 г. е абсолютен лидер на пазара при тракторите под 73 к.с. Ненадминат не само по качество, но и по конкурентна цена.


Корейският производител LS Mtron  работи в селскостопанския сектор от 1976 г. като част от корейската група LG. Скоро след старта си компанията се доказва като лидер в своята област – машини и електронни компоненти.


LS Mtron печели отлична репутация на основните пазари благодарение на високото качество и новаторски технологии.


LS Mtron продължава развитието си, за да гарантира успешно бъдеще на клиентите си.

Подразделението за селскостопанска техника на LS Mtron разполага с производствена база, позволяваща и да предложи трактори, задоволяващи и най-претенциозните клиенти. Производственият капацитет надхърля 50,000 броя годишно без компромис в предизвикателствата на иновациите в технологиите. 

Екипът ни от опитни специалисти е на разположение за всякакви съвети, касаещи техниката, която предлагаме.